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10:15AM Sunday Worship Service

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We are delighted that you decided to visit our website and learn about what God is doing at Madison Street United Methodist Church. We have a variety of programs for adults, youth, and children. Grab a cup of coffee and your comfy chair as you explore our site and find out more about us, If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  Contact Us

Find your place with us

Sunday Morning Small Groups

We seek to nurture our members at all stages of their faith journey in ways that strengthen biblical, spiritual, and moral foundations, and affirm what we believe as United Methodist Christians. We work to cultivate an environment in which diversity is valued and different opinions are respectfully engaged. We have a variety of small groups for adults, youth , and children.

  Adult Ministry
  Youth Ministry
  Next Gen Kids Ministry

Serving at Madison Street

Make a difference within this community of faith and connect to the opportunities available at Madison Street  to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.

  Learn More

Outreach Opportunities  

We extend love to God and neighbor through our gifts, our prayers, and our service. We feed the hungry, extend care to the homeless, enhance health and nutrition, and seek other ways to serve. We work for justice alongside the marginalized. We work for peace in places where there is strife. We participate through volunteer activities, financial support, education, and advocacy. We partner with agencies and ministries that have a large impact in their particular area of focus, impart systemic change, mobilize our church community to give their time and resources, and offer an opportunity for long-term ongoing relationships.  

  Outreach Missions


Our primary in-person service is at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings and is held in the Sanctuary. 

Our Sanctuary is built in a gothic style, and the focal point of our worship space is the Communion Table, which includes the Baptismal Font (damaged in the 1999 tornado) as a reminder that we are all broken and in need of God's grace. 

Within the chancel area are the pulpit on the left side, from which the Word of God is preached, and the lectern on the right, from which the Word of God is read. In the center of the chancel is the Communion Table, a reminder that we are all invited to the table of the Lord to receive God's grace and the elements of Holy Communion, and the Baptismal Font, at which we are initiated into the family of God. 

Madison Street follows the traditional church calendar for the seasons of the Christian year, often reflected in the themes of the services, the readings and music. The colors of the paraments (linens on the Communion Table, lectern, and pulpit) also reflect those seasons. 

A professionally-staffed nursery is provided for children ages 3 and under, and children ages 4 through grade 5 are invited to participate in Kid's Core (children's church).  

virtual worship

Our Sunday morning service is live-streamed at 10:15 a.m. on both YouTube and Facebook.  The recordings of these services remain available to watch at any time on either platform.  

Madison Street observes Holy Communion on the first  Sunday of each month.  We encourage those worshiping with us virtually to have bread and juice available on Communion Sundays in order to partake of the sacrament along with those gathered in the sanctuary.