

Sunday 9AM Sunday morning small groups 10:15AM Worship Service


Death is a universal experience of life. A significant aspect of the ministry of your staff at Madison Street is to join with you in facing death. The church's pastors offer their presence at any time of crisis and especially when death is imminent or has occured. 

A Christian funeral (when the body is present) or memorial service (when the body is not present) is an opportunity for believing people to gather in faith to praise God for the gift of life and the promise of resurrection. It is also an opportunity to ask God for strength and courage to accept death. 

The church seeks to help its members express their faith in their response to death as well as in their daily lives. 

Death presents an occasion for the church to unite in the celebration of the victory of faith. There will be mourning but the mourner is undergirded by the fellowship of the people of God. 

In the event of death, contact one of the church's pastors. You may call the church at any time (931) 647-0221.  The automated phone system will record your message and forward it to our pastors. 

  Funeral & memorial service guide